Rise Against Hunger | Mar 25

Mar 14, 2023 | Uncategorized

We can end hunger by 2030.  You can be a part of the solution.

Herndon UMC is hosting a Rise Against Hunger food packing event with Herndon High School on March 25.  We will begin at 9 am and pack 30,000 meals to go to support a community in need.  Rise Against Hunger works to empower communities, nourish lives, and respond to emergencies.  You can learn more about Rise Against Hunger by watching the video below or from their website.

Financial donations may be made to support Rise Against Hunger at Herndon UMC through the button below or through PushPay.  Choose the fund marked “Rise Against Hunger”.  Our goal is to raise more than $12,000.

We need over 100 volunteers!  There are opportunities for the strong and able-bodied to help with the set up before the event (7:30-9 am) and with the clean up afterwards (1:30 apm-2:15pm).  There are also opportunities for EVERYONE to work a 2-hour shift (or two) packing the meals.  See the sign up links below.


Herndon UMC

The mission of Herndon UMC is to serve and share God’s Love in community.


The vision of Herndon UMC is to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s Love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.

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