A Community of Prayer — Herndon UMC Prayer Chain

Herndon UMC is a church family, in the broadest sense of the phrase.  We care deeply about each other and share our prayer concerns.  We believe in the power of prayer.  Prayer requests may be offered here on the form on this page, during worship experiences in the chat, over email to prayerchain@herndonumc.org, and on offering envelopes.

The Herndon UMC Prayer Chain notifies you when a member of our community is in need of prayer and allows you to add your personal prayers for them.  E-mails come out regularly, usually once or twice a week.  If you would like to receive Prayer Chain e-mails please sign up at MailChimp.

Prayer Requests

Prayers submitted here will be added to the Herndon UMC Prayer Chain.

10 + 1 =

The 701 Prayer

This prayer was written by members of Herndon UMC as we worked towards a strategic plan to help us to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.  This prayer is designed to help center our whole community in prayer with the focus on opening us to the Holy Spirit and what God is calling our community to be, moving forward.

Some Prayer Videos:

Watch videos of prayers from YouTube or listen to the “Ways to Pray” podcast by Pastor Scott (April 2022) available on SoundCloud.

This creed was written by the students confirmed in 2022.

Psalm 91 videos were created during the video-only worship space of 2020.