Sundays in Advent
Worship in person at 10 am each Sunday in Advent, including on December 24. You can also attend the 10 am service live or later on YouTube. There is also the regular monthly evening worship opportunity on December 3 at 4 pm, and a special “Longest Night” service on December 20 at 6 pm.
Candlelight Worship on Christmas Eve
Celebrate the birth of the Savior in worship with Herndon UMC
5 PM | Family Friendly Candlelight Worship
Family Christmas Eve Service with kid-friendly “candle” light and a pop-up Christmas pageant.
9 PM | Traditional Candlelight Worship
Candlelight service with bells, choir, Holy Communion in the Sanctuary. This service will be live-streamed to Herndon UMC’s YouTube channel.
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Events that you won’t want to miss.
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Find out more in the Herndon UMC eNews and Newsletter. To find the eNews, scroll to the menu and select News, and then Weekly eNews. For the newsletter, follow this link.
All are welcome to join this 3-week Advent study.
All are welcome to join the Pathfinders class with Pastor Scott for a three-week Advent study that will look for Christ in the sights and sounds of Advent through a book by Matt Rawle, “Experiencing Christmas.” Class will be held on Sundays at 11:15 in Room 105.
Centering on Jesus for this season (and always).
Together let’s celebrate God coming to Earth in the form of a human baby. This devotional was written by: Brenda Thompson, Karen Bowler, and Jessica Richie, and edited by: Kate Bowler, Harriet Putman, Jessica Richie, and Kristen Balzer. Download the pdf from Kate Bowler’s website or follow along on Herndon UMC’s social media, Facebook and Instagram.