Mobile Access Electronic Entry System

Feb 16, 2021 | Trustees

Over the past year with the COVID pandemic, the church facilities closed and minimal physical presence of staff, it became more apparent that enhanced security was needed for both security of the building and for staff, member, and guest safety.   After much research and vetting, a mobile access electronic entry system called Openpath was chosen.  Work was completed at the end of January on all exterior doors by the “Flying Locksmiths”. Access to the facilities during non-office, non-event hours is controlled by the electronic entry system.  If you have had a key providing access to the building in the past and require one again, the electronic pass access will be provided to you as we move from the Outdoor Phase to the Indoor phases. You can contact Jen at when the time comes. 

Herndon UMC

The mission of Herndon UMC is to serve and share God’s Love in community.


The vision of Herndon UMC is to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s Love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.

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