Wesley Choir

Sep 4, 2020 | Music

The Wesley Choir normally provides choral music for Herndon UMC’s traditional worship services (September through June).  This all adult choir is currently meeting each Wednesday evening at 7 pm on Zoom.  Here’s the plan for these virtual rehearsals:

7 pm – Greeting and vocal warm-ups

7:10 pm – Music focus – practicing a hymn or anthem for the week (preparing music for online worship)

7:30 pm – Spirit/Growth focus 

7:45 pm – Sharing joys and concerns

8 pm – Closing prayer

For Zoom information, please contact Shannon Wise, shannon@herndonumc.org.

Herndon UMC

The mission of Herndon UMC is to serve and share God’s Love in community.


The vision of Herndon UMC is to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s Love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.

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