Building Action Team

The Building Action Team is a resource for Trustee needs and requests like simple repairs or maintenance.  When a short-term need or request is identified, a team leader enters the information into the system, then an email blast goes out to the group and someone in the group is able to volunteer to do that task or activity. After there is a volunteer, the need or request comes off the list.

There are no meetings. There are no weekly or even monthly obligations. There are not meeting notes to review and approve, but there are opportunities to help the church.

If you would like to join this group, just email the


Discourse — 1 & 2 Timothy

Join Pastor Jonathan for this deeper dive into 1 & 2 Timothy.

The Apostle Paul writes these letters to a young church leader named Timothy during his second imprisonment in Rome around 62 AD. He encourages Timothy to remain strong as he faces challenges citing himself and his situation as an example.

This ten-week study will be held asynchronously, which means that they may reviewed alone or in a group on your schedule.  Each video will contain discussion questions for you to consider or to discuss with your group.  New lessons will post to Herndon UMC’s YouTube channel and may also be found here on Mondays around 10 am. Questions may be directed to Pastor Jonathan,

Look for new videos here each week, starting Monday, September 13.



Looking for more?

HUMC KIDS provides opportunities for children (birth to grade 6) and their families to grow in their relationship with Christ and with one another.

KIDS CLUB right now is being offered by video.  Visit our YouTube channel and view the lessons in the KIDS CLUB @ Home playlist.  Normally, KIDS CLUB is offered during Sunday worship services.  Kids are invited to leave from worship and may be picked up from the KIDS CLUB classroom after worship.

During in-person worship, we offer Worship Tools to help the kids stay in worship.  This might be a puzzle to solve, a manipulative to give their hands something to do, or a worship buddy to sit with them.  Several times a year (and for most of the summer) there is a “Prayground” made available in worship, so that the kids can sit together and participate in worship.

Herndon UMC loves music and offers children many opportunities to express themselves and praise God including Joyful Noise Choir, One Accord Choir, Gloria Bells, and Hands Up for God puppet ministry. Practices usually run between September and May, and the kids share these gifts in worship, at GIFT Dinners, and sometimes in the community.  New members are always welcome.

Each year Herndon UMC offers special events for HUMC KIDS and the community, the events include Vacation Bible School, Trunk-Or-Treat, Pajama Jams, and a Christmas Pageant. Check back here for the latest information on these and other events.

We observe Safe Sanctuary guidelines and strive to be allergy aware to maintain a safe but FUN environment for all of the children!  If you want to participate, please make sure that we have (emergency) contact information from your family.

United Women in Faith

Looking for more?

The organized unit of the United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience FREEDOM as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive FELLOWSHIP; and to expand CONCEPTS OF MISSION through participation in the global ministries of the church.  Learn more about the UMW at

Herndon’s United Methodist Women offers four circles for women to join and be a part of a small group.  These groups meet monthly to turn their faith, hope, and love into action.  For more information on the different groups, contact Linda Amonett at The four circles are:

  • Katie McGuire/Virginia Greear
  • Morning Glory
  • Mary Martha
  • Naomi Ruth

In addition to proving new Bibles to all our 3rd-grade children each year, Herndon’s women offer fun, fellowship, and enriching opportunities throughout the year for women to connect and become closer to God.  These opportunities might include game nights, special presentations, and retreats.

There is also a Facebook group for Herndon’s United Methodist Women.  This is a closed group for member privacy, but all women interested in getting involved with Herndon’s United Methodist Women are invited  to request to join.

Looking for a point of contact?  Here are the UMW leaders.



Jeanne Leonard

Susan Malcolm

Lindy Marshall

Levenia Kibler

Linda Amonett

Jonathan Page
Senior Pastor


Chat N Craft

Do you enjoy any sort of craft–sewing, quilting, beading, art, sculpting, woodworking–and like to share your creations and talk with other “crafty” individuals for inspiration and encouragement? Join the new Chat N Craft group meeting on the second Thursday of each month. Contact for Zoom link or more info.

Improving Outside Site #1

With the weather changing, small groups will again meet outdoors to fellowship and see God in nature.  Having wet feet should not be part of the experience.  Through the Trustees, improvements were made to access the area outside the kitchen.  Paving stones were added and the gate repaired.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”   This proverb first appeared in a sermon by John Wesley in 1778.  It expresses the idea that those who are pure and wholesome are close to God.  As you grow in faith closer to God, the Trustees oversee the work of the custodial staff who are much appreciated for their work in keeping our facility clean.  In the Spring of 2020 after the completion of the Upward Basketball season, the Doe Fellowship Hall had a “deep” cleaning of the gym floors by an outside contractor.  We look forward to being able to use the Fellowship Hall in the near future as the Healthy Church Team and the Trustees continue preparations for re-opening. 

Mobile Access Electronic Entry System

Over the past year with the COVID pandemic, the church facilities closed and minimal physical presence of staff, it became more apparent that enhanced security was needed for both security of the building and for staff, member, and guest safety.   After much research and vetting, a mobile access electronic entry system called Openpath was chosen.  Work was completed at the end of January on all exterior doors by the “Flying Locksmiths”. Access to the facilities during non-office, non-event hours is controlled by the electronic entry system.  If you have had a key providing access to the building in the past and require one again, the electronic pass access will be provided to you as we move from the Outdoor Phase to the Indoor phases. You can contact Jen at when the time comes. 

Marking Entrances for Safety and Clear Communications

While the church building and facilities are closed, the Trustees recently installed new entrance numbers and signage. These signs aid in emergency response and help provide clear direction to participants in church activities when we are able to reopen the building.