UMCOR’s (United Methodist Committee on Relief) depot is empty and hurricane season is here. Our goal is to raise $1500 before the end of September to assemble 20 cleaning kits. Additional funds raised will go to more kits or UMCOR National Disaster Relief. Make your donation to Herndon UMC and designate “UMCOR kits” by any of the usual routes–online or by check– or give directly at (Note: 2.2% in fees are deducted from online gifts.) If you are interested in assembling a kit yourself contact Melissa Billman at
UMCOR Cleaning Kit Challenge

The mission of Herndon UMC is to serve and share God’s Love in community.
The vision of Herndon UMC is to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s Love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.
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