Grow Closer to Jesus | Lent in Spiritual Disciplines

All are invited into the journey to “Grow Closer to Jesus” this season.

During Lent’s 40 days of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter, we will delve into different aspects of spiritual discipline, learning, and practicing together on our transformative journey. into a closer relationship with Jesus. By intentionally engaging in these disciplines, we pray to experience spiritual growth, renewed faith, and a stronger sense of purpose in our faith journey.

Holy Week includes a variety of opportunities to walk with Jesus and experience his great love for us.

You are invited into this opportunity to draw nearer to Jesus and grow deeper in love with God who loves us so. 

Worship Sundays at 8 am and 10 am

Lenten Devotional | Bless the Lent We Actually Have
Bless the Lent We Actually Have

Sometimes we wait. Spiritually, I mean. We just wait. And wait. When Lent rolls around every year, we are offered a chance to stop waiting. Lent is our annual rehearsal of the cosmic moment when Jesus’ suffering and death and resurrection will change how we experience death and life. Jesus walks with us through whatever kind of Lenten day we are having. This devotional is your invitation to bless whatever this season is actually bringing you. So let’s stop waiting. This is the one we have. Let’s bless it all.

Herndon UMC offers a pdf of the devotional for download from the church website and will share portions throughout Lent on our Facebook and Instagram profiles. The devotional also references a book by Kate Bowler, The Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days. There will be a few copies of this book to look at around church–in the Welcome Center near the Sanctuary and in the Library–if you want to dive deeper into a particular devotion or see if you want to purchase your own copy of the book.

Events that you won’t want to miss during Lent and Holy Week at Herndon UMC:

There’s more to come, too.  Check back here soon.

Let’s begin Lent by focusing on repentance and turning back to God. Explore the significance of Ash Wednesday and the ashes as a symbol of humility and acknowledgment of our need for forgiveness. Reflect on the call to repentance found in the passage, where God urges His people to return to Him with all their hearts, with fasting, weeping, and mourning.

Through the Ash Wednesday service, we hope to be reminded the importance of recognizing our shortcomings, seeking God’s forgiveness, and embracing His grace as we start our journey towards growing closer to Jesus.

 If you are unable to attend worship in person, are in the Herndon area, and would like ashes brought to you on Wednesday, please contact the office,

Wednesday, February 21 | 6pm
Worship & Fellowship Dinner | Chili Cook-off

Join us for a short worship service and then dinner and fellowship.  Chili’s still welcome, bring one crockpot full of chili to the kitchen by 5:45pm.  Chips, cheese, sour cream, salad, desserts, (and chicken nuggets for the kids) will be provided.  Funds raised will go to support the Rise Against Hunger event at Herndon High School on Saturday, March 9.

Saturday, March 9, 9 am to Noon
Rise Against Hunger at Herndon High School (700 Bennett Street)

Rise Against Hunger has distributed more than 67 million meals worldwide as a step towards building relationships and skills that help end world hunger. Packing food with Herndon High School also furthers our partnership with Herndon High School and offers our community a chance to be in mission together.

We need volunteers and donations to help pack meals this year.
More details coming soon!


Sunday, March 10 | 8 am & 10 am 

Bring back your LINK Food and Love bag with food for the food pantry.  Let’s share God’s Love with those in our community who are not able to purchase the food that they need. 

Bags are available from the Connection Corners and from the office. 

Friday-Saturday, March 15-16 | Claggett Center
Men’s Retreat

Journey with Rev. Tom Frost as he leads this casual, relaxing, and spiritual experience. Enjoy fellowship from the opening dinner at 6 pm on Friday until we depart for home around 2 pm on Saturday.  The cost is estimated to be $120 per person.  Please contact Jim Henderson, , to sign up or if you have any questions.  Space is limited and additional details will follow.

Saturday, March 16 | 8:30 am – 2 pm |
Women’s Spring Retreat | Herndon UMC

A Womens Retreat lead by Rev. Emily Moore Diamond in March will deal with the bond and love of our relationships as women. Emily says: “Jesus told us we need each other. He said relationships are a gift. We get to travel through life with God and with other women in our lives. Let’s think about those relationships and enjoy them, build them, and lean on them.”

Want to experience more of what Emily has to share?
Register February 18-March 12 at

Palm Sunday, March 24 | 8 am & 10 am 

Raise a palm and sing Hosanna!  Worship at 10 am, in the Sanctuary & Livestream* and in the Sanctuary at 8 am.  

Wednesday, March 27 | 6-8 pm
Thursday, March 28 | 4-6 pm
Way of the Cross

Experience Holy Week in new ways. This is a self-paced, walk through experience that explores Jesus’ last hours with scriptures, sensory activities, and guided prayer. All are welcome at God’s table for Holy Communion in the Prayer Chapel on the day we remember the Last Supper. New this year, look for some multi-cultural elements! The Way of the Cross is designed to be intergenerational and appropriate for all ages.

Friday, March 29 | 7:30 pm
Good Friday | Sanctuary & Livestream*

A Service of Tenebrae, or “Shadows,” is based on a twelfth–century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ. Herndon UMC has offered it as the Good Friday evening service before. Come experience the passion of Christ through extinguishing of the light.

Saturday, March 30 | 7:30 pm
Easter Vigil Worship, Outside (Door 2)

Bring a chair and sit around the fire for this storytelling worship experience as we keep watch for Easter. A casual, invitational worship experience that is appropriate for all ages.

Easter Sunday, March 31 | 6:45 am Sunrise Worship | Outside (Door 1)
Come a little early and watch the sun rise. Bring a chair (and maybe a blanket) and join us outside for this first celebration of the open tomb.

Easter Sunday, March 31 | 8 am Worship | Outside (Door 1)
A more intimate and relaxed worship service outside near the flower cross (but not quite so early as sunrise).

Easter Sunday, March 31 | 10 am Worship | Sanctuary & Livestream*
This is the traditional Easter you remember with Holy Communion. Bring your family and neighbors for this Easter worship experience. This service will also be streamed on YouTube.

Bring a flower on Easter Sunday for the flower cross.  See how beautiful the cross becomes as we all leave tributes to our risen Lord.  This tradition is supported by the Herndon United Women in Faith. They will also have some flowers available.