The most recent Sunday worship service.
10 am | In-person & Livestream Worship
Worship with a mix of creative, and age-inclusive elements in the Herndon UMC Sanctuary. There are worship tools, and Nursery available. Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. The live stream can be found here and on YouTube.
4 pm | 1st Sunday Evening Worship
Once a month on the first Sunday, worship in the Sanctuary with music, prayers, a relevant message and communion.
Download the Order of Worship (PDF)
Or you may find the service in the Herndon UMC app. Get the app (iOS or Android).
6 pm | Worship & Fellowship Dinner
On the third Wednesday of each month, join the Herndon UMC church family for a worship and fellowship dinner. For October 16, we will have a message around the theme “Do Unto Others” and dinner will be brought to you by the Friends of the Endowment.