The vision of Herndon UMC is

to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.

Herndon UMC offers a variety of creative options for worship, join us in-person at the times below.  You can also find the worship service on YouTube anytime after it is livestreamed.  Learn more about worship at Herndon UMC or catch the latest video here.

The most recent Sunday worship service.


10 am | In-person & Livestream Worship

  Worship with a mix of creative, and age-inclusive elements in the Herndon UMC Sanctuary.  There are worship tools, and Nursery available.  Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. The live stream can be found here and on YouTube.

4 pm | 1st Sunday Evening Worship

Once a month on the first Sunday, worship in the Sanctuary with music, prayers, a relevant message and communion.

Download the Sunday Order of Worship (PDF)

Or you may find the service in the Herndon UMC app. Get the app (iOS or Android).

Experience Lent & Easter with Herndon UMC

Prepare for Easter during Lent by remembering Jesus' life and teachings, and reflecting on his sacrifice on the cross. Prayerfully follow Christ's journey to the Cross on Maundy Thursday.  Feel the reverberations of a nail driving into the cross on Good Friday.  Sit by the fireside and share the stories of faith in the Easter Vigil.  Welcome Easter morning with worship.   Celebrate Christ's resurrection in worship at 10 am.  You are welcome here.  God's love is for everyone. Click the button to learn more.

Herndon UMC’s mission is to

Serve and share God’s Love in community.

If you are looking for ways to serve others, there are a few opportunities featured below and even more opportunities available through this link..

Check out the latest needs and sign up to help at We offer three ways to sign up–in the Herndon UMC app, here online, and on clip boards (paper) found on the Connection Corners inside Herndon UMC.  If you sign up through the link below, be sure to look for the confirmation email from Herndon UMC.  Your sign up is not complete until you confirm it.  

Our current featured missional partner or activity is to the right (or below).  There are more opportunities available through this link.

Herndon UMC would not be able to make these opportunities to serve and share God’s love available without the financial gifts made to and through our church.

Herndon UMC’s core values are that

God’s love is real. God’s love is active. God’s love is for everyone.

Click on any image below to learn more.