The vision of Herndon UMC is
to live the teachings of Jesus so that everyone may know God’s love and grow in Spirit-filled relationships.
Herndon UMC offers a variety of creative options for worship, join us in-person at the times below. You can also find the worship service on YouTube anytime after it is livestreamed. Learn more about worship at Herndon UMC or catch the latest video here.
The most recent Sunday worship service.
10 am | In-person & Livestream Worship
Worship with a mix of creative, and age-inclusive elements in the Herndon UMC Sanctuary. There are worship tools, and Nursery available. Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. The live stream can be found here and on YouTube.
4 pm | 1st Sunday Evening Worship
Once a month on the first Sunday, worship in the Sanctuary with music, prayers, a relevant message and communion.
Download the Sunday Order of Worship (PDF)
Or you may find the service in the Herndon UMC app. Get the app (iOS or Android).
You are welcome here!
Whether you are visiting the area for a short time, just moved in, or are a long-time neighbor, we look forward to growing in faith and getting to know you.
The 10 am worship is live-streamed on YouTube and may be watched at any time that works for you! Please feel free to share feedback on your worship experience to welcome@herndonumc.
A professionally staffed Nursery is available for newborns to age 3 years. If you have questions about the Nursery, contact
KIDS Club (ages 3 - grade 6) offer KIDS an opportunity for hands-on Bible learning time and is offered during the 10 am worship. Normally, KIDS start out in worship with their family and then gather for a Children's Message when they will be invited to go to KIDS Club. There are also worship tools available for KIDS to help them stay engaged as they join in the worship service. If you have questions about KIDS Club or worship tools, please contact the church office,
701 Bennett Street is right on the corner of Dranesville Road and Bennett Street in Herndon, VA. There are entrances off of Dranesville Road and Bennett Street. The Bennett Street entrances bring you into the front parking lot. The Dranesville Road entrance brings you into the back parking lot, closer to the Children's Place and LINK pantry building. There is plenty of parking, and handicap-accessible spaces are available near most doors. If you need access to the Sanctuary, you may be dropped off at the front door (door 1) or may park on the circle at the rear and come in door 10.
Herndon UMC is blessed with a wonderful facility. There are gathering spaces and classrooms all around our Fellowship Hall.
There is free wifi available in the building. Come in and check the "Connection Corners" (inside doors 1 and 2) for the password.
The office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm; and from 9 am to Noon on Fridays. Door 1 is the best way to come into the office.
Staff members work a variety of hours in a variety of spaces. It is best to contact the staff member that you would like to meet with to find out if they will be in their office at 701 Bennett Street or working out in the community somewhere around the greater Herndon area.
Monthly, usually on the second Sunday of the month, there is a lunch gathering around Herndon called Discover Herndon. Look for specifics in the News and worship announcements. This is an opportunity to explore what membership at Herndon UMC might be like. It is not a commitment to join, just an opportunity to have lunch with a Pastor to learn more and discover more about Herndon.
Following attending Discover Herndon, when you are ready, you will be invited to join Herndon UMC. Contact the office,, when you are ready
Of course, at any time you are invited to contact the staff,, and to join other groups and teams in serving and sharing God's love! Our community is richer for having you as a part of it!
Looking for more?
If you are new or looking to get more connected or learn more about Herndon UMC, please email or complete the request for information form linked below. We look forward to growing in a Spirit-filled relationship with you.
Experience Lent & Easter with Herndon UMC
Prepare for Easter during Lent by remembering Jesus' life and teachings, and reflecting on his sacrifice on the cross. Prayerfully follow Christ's journey to the Cross on Maundy Thursday. Feel the reverberations of a nail driving into the cross on Good Friday. Sit by the fireside and share the stories of faith in the Easter Vigil. Welcome Easter morning with worship. Celebrate Christ's resurrection in worship at 10 am. You are welcome here. God's love is for everyone. Click the button to learn more.

Herndon UMC’s mission is to
Serve and share God’s Love in community.
If you are looking for ways to serve others, there are a few opportunities featured below and even more opportunities available through this link..
Check out the latest needs and sign up to help at We offer three ways to sign up–in the Herndon UMC app, here online, and on clip boards (paper) found on the Connection Corners inside Herndon UMC. If you sign up through the link below, be sure to look for the confirmation email from Herndon UMC. Your sign up is not complete until you confirm it.
Our current featured missional partner or activity is to the right (or below). There are more opportunities available through this link.
Group members for service projects are the first to know when new opportunities to support these missions arise. Click on any image to learn more.
Herndon UMC would not be able to make these opportunities to serve and share God’s love available without the financial gifts made to and through our church.
Herndon UMC’s core values are that
God’s love is real. God’s love is active. God’s love is for everyone.
Click on any image below to learn more.
Grow in Faith
We believe that God’s love is real. Living the teachings of Jesus means intentionally engaging in community with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Be Active
When serve others, we are God’s love in action. Here are a few ways to be active in sharing God’s love through Herndon UMC.
Find Community
We believe that God’s love is for everyone, and that the best way to share God’s love is by building Spirit-filled relationships with others. Here are a few ways to find community at Herndon UMC. Looking for the full list? Follow this link.
Stay Connected
We believe that God’s love is for everyone, and that God’s kingdom exists when people share Spirit-filled relationships that serve and share God’s love.
Connect on Social Media